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last edited
by Alan Liu 1 year, 8 months ago
Emergency Message regarding the rescheduled final exam -- Go to message (new updates: Dec. 11th, 2017)
English 25 - Literature and the Information, Media, and Communication Revolutions
How have language, reading, and literature responded to revolutions in media, communication, and information technology? This course introduces the history and theory of the major changes in human discourse that have led up to our current information age. Readings in literary and artistic works exemplify the creative artist's response to these changes.
- Prerequisites: None
- General Education Areas Fulfilled: GE Area G Requirement, Writing Requirement
- Catalog Course Entry: ENGL 25
- Quarter: Fall 2017
- Instructor: Professor Alan Liu
(Office hours: W 2-3, SH 2521)
- Lecture Day(s): MWF
- Lecture Time: 1:00pm - 1:50pm
- Lecture Location: Buchanan 1920

Logo from original UCSB English Dept's Transcriptions Center -- Literature & Culture of Information site, c. 1998
(current Transciptions site)
Section Information -- TAs: Ryan Leach, Bozhou Men, Giorgina Paiella, [TBD]
Time / Location |
Ryan Leach |
M 5:00- 5:50 SH 1415
Leach Section Syllabus policies and requirements for his sections) |
Ryan Leach |
M 6:00- 6:50 SH 1415
Leach Section Syllabus (policies and requirements for his sections) |
Bozhou Men |
W 8:00- 8:50 SH 2617 |
Bozhou Men |
W 9:00- 9:50 SH 2617 |
Giorgina Paiella |
F 10:00-10:50 SH 1415 |
Giorgina Paiella |
F 11:00-11:50 SH 1415 |
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